
This program helps photographers edit series of photos for sunset time lapses by adjusting exposure offset for each image. The offset gets calculated by comparing ISO, f stop, and shutter speed for each image to determine how much to increment the exposure by. It receives a series of adobe xmp files and reads from them to get the image meta data. Then the program writes the necessary changes to the xmp file so adobe Lightroom or Photoshop can apply the changes to the image. This program also make use of ffmpeg to create the time lapse from the series of pictures.

Primary LanguageC++

Time Lapse Editing Program

The Problem: When doing a timelapse of the sun setting, the photographer must change the exposure settings of the camera every so often to account for a decrease in the amount of light. In post production, the developer would have to manually change the exposure offset for each image so that each image looks like it is of the same exposure. Solution: This program automates the process of adjusting each individual image exposure offset so that the timelapse in the end doesn't have flickering that denotes the frame where there was a change in the camera exposure settings. I believe there are already programs out there that do this but I decided to make my own. This program only works with adobe xmp files for editing photos in Lightroom or Photoshop. It woks by comparing each image in the sequence with the one after it for an exposure change in either ISO, shutter speed, or f stop. From there is calculates how much it must offset each image in the sub sequence to make the timelapse look like each frame is just one exposure. It updates each exposure change to each image's subsequent XMP file to then be read by Lightroom or Photoshop to make the changes take effect.