RPi is great. It is cheap and based on ARM processor which should be a MUST KNOW for every embedded programmer.

This project is for learning purposes:
*) How to program bare metal.
*) How to create own OS.
*) How to use assambler.
*) How to use linker scripts and make files.
*) How to use assambler and ARM specific features - interrupts, thumb mode.
*) How to create low level drivers.

Code is fully bare metal. Everything created from zero.
Because I am learning my self, the code is EXTENSIVELY COMMENTED. 
I hope it will help someone out.

Many ideas are taken form similar projects (which are not so much commented :) ) and from
this online course http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/freshers/raspberrypi/tutorials/os/ . The course is great, 
but it is only in assambler, and I do think that it sometimes makes your eyes bleed :) Thats why I am
trying to use mostly C.

Future plans (for learning):
*) RPi u-boot.
*) RPi Linux kernel porting.
*) Port MINE drivers (created here) into Linux kernel.