
Implementation of Elliptical Curve public key encryption with python for cryptography class

Primary LanguagePython

Right now this is just the functions we leared in class. Hopefully they can help with the next assignment
otherwise this is just a generalized ellipical curve modulo q function dump.

Functions and how they work:
gcd(a, b) gives back the gcd of a and b
egcd(a, b) gives back the modular inverse of a, and b along with the gcd (a^-1, b^-1, gcd)
isprime(n) checks if a number is prime
prime_maker(n_bits) returns with high probablity a prime that is n_bits long
build_ec(a=1, b=1, n_bits=4) given an a and b value setups an EC tuple (a, b, q)
generate_field(ec = (1,1,11)) given an ec tuple generates the field of points that solves said ec
point_addition(a=(-1,-1), b=(-1,-1), field=[], ec = (-1,-1,-1)) given points a and b and an ec gives back the a + b
three cases:
1: a_x != b_x returns point tuple (x,y)
2: a==b returns point tuple (x,y)
3: a==-b returns 0 for infinity point
multiply_point(n=-1, p=(-1,-1), field=[], ec=(-1,-1,-1)) given an n value, a point p, a field,, and an ec generates the value
n*p using the doubling multiplication method