
A node js package for scraping the chrome web store. `npm i chrome-web-store-scraper`

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


It has been a very long time since i looked at this repo. i would guess it no longer functions. It might not take too much effort to fix up though.

CircleCI npm version GitHub license sonarcloud


A node js package for scraping the chrome web store.


This project requires selenium, a Web Browser Automation tool. The latest version of the Selenium Standalone Server can be downloaded from seleniumhq.

Selenium Server must also be installed as selenium on the system PATH. For linux, a selenium bash script is included that can be paired with the selenium.jar for ease of use.

The selenium-webdriver npm package has some details on what is required.

Selenium Setup

The Selenium server must be on the system path as 'selenium' the easiest way to set it up to work with the chrome web store scraper is to make the selenium bash script (that is included this project) an executable with chmod +x selenium and then copy that file, along with the selenium server .jar file to /bin/ or somewhere similar.

When copying the selenium server .jar make sure it is renamed from selenium-server-standalone-3.14.0.jar or whatever it is currently called, to just selenium.jar.


As well as selenium, you're going to need the latest chromedriver installed.


A chrome browser is also required. you can get the latest chrome-broswer-stable from chromium.

How To Use

You can use this to scrape search results for chrome extensions, or to scrape store information for a specific extension.

To include the scraper in your project:

const ChromeWebScraper = require('chrome-web-store-scraper');
const scraper = new ChromeWebScraper();


The most basic search just requires you to provide a search term.

        (res) => console.log(res),
        (err) => console.log(err)

Example Response

    "title": "Data Scraper - Easy Web Scraping",
    "description": "Data Scraper extracts data out of HTML web pages and imports it into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets",
    "author": "",
    "category": "Productivity",
    "rating": 4.107231920199501,
    "numberOfRatings": 401,
    "storeURL": "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/data-scraper-easy-web-scr/nndknepjnldbdbepjfgmncbggmopgden"

there are additional options than can be used to perform a more directed search

Search categories

You can provide as a category which the scraper will then use when building a search request, only one category can be provided.

Valid Categories


Categories can be provided in an options JSON object as demonstrated below:

const options =  {searchCategory : 'newsAndWeather'}

scraper.search('searchString', options).then(
    (res) => console.log(res),
    (err) => console.log(err)

Search Features

Search features can be provided as a means of specifying select features that a chrome extension must have.

Passed as an array of strings in an options JSON object, the features can be any combination of the following:


features can be provided in an options JSON object as demonstrated below:

const options =  {
    searchFeatures : ['free', 'offline','byGoogle']

scraper.search('searchString', options).then(
    (res) => console.log(res),
    (err) => console.log(err)

Features and Categories

Searching can be performed with categories and features together in the same options JSON object.

const options =  {
    searchCategory : 'newsAndWeather',
    searchFeatures : ['free', 'byGoogle']

scraper.search('searchString', options).then(
    (res) => console.log(res),
    (err) => console.log(err)

Search Options

As well as the categories and feature filters, additional options in the form of locale and scrollAttempts can also be used.

The scrollAttempts option is used to specify how many attempts are made to retrieve additional search results, by scrolling down the page loaded by selenium. the larger the number, the more the page will be scrolled down. It is worth noting that each scroll attempt is paired with a 50ms wait, so a number excessively large will result in longer processing times.

The locale option can be set by passing a locale string as an option. The locale string is used as the hl url option by the chrome extension store, to scrape search results in french, danish, or italian, locale strings 'fr', 'da', or 'it' could be used.

Example Search with locale and scrollAttempts

scraper.search('scraper',{scrollAttempts:200, locale:'da'}).then(
    (res) => console.log(res[0]),
    (err) => console.log(err)

Extension Scraping

In order to scrape the store page for a specific chrome extension, this scraper requires a direct url to that page. These urls are to be passed as a parameter to the scrapeApp function.

    (res) => console.log(res),
    (err) => console.log(err)

Example Response

    "header": {
        "title": "Autosave webpage",
        "offeredBy": "offered by mtcutler1",
        "userCount": "48",
        "rating": "3.5",
        "ratingCount": 4,
        "imgURL": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/4jyS9mGYDUFs2KL52Xfg_I9EzkUIzlCboTp5Dvqv-vKrUWhoz9tNCWR4lPfNFneM2JFmgNrkCkc=w26-h26-e365"
    "overview": {
        "summary": "Save ... a scheduled…",
        "description": "Save ... stay updated",
        "version": "0.1",
        "lastUpdatedDate": "January 24, 2018",
        "size": "178KiB",
        "language": "English (United States)",
        "screenshotURLs": [
        "additionalInfo": []
    "reviews": [
        "displayName": "Jeffrey",
        "profileImageURL": "//www.gstatic.com/s2/contacts/images/NoPicture.gif",
        "displayNameURL": "https://plus.google.com/110338040265199312388",
        "timestamp": "Modified Mar 21, 2018",
        "ratingString": "4 stars (Liked it)",
        "rating": 4,
        "comment": "Seemed to only work with one tab...would be perfect if it works on multiple tabs simultaneously"