
Scraper for Firefox Add-ons written in Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript



This package is simple typescript package that makes it simple to search for, and download plugins from Firefox.

To begin using this in your project you can run npm i --save firefox-add-on-scraper

The package leverages the Mozilla Addons API to fetch data.

How to use

There are currently 3 methods available for you:

  1. search
  2. get
  3. download

Search is probably the most useful one here, but the ability to get the details should you know it's slug and then download it if you have its url is convenient.

This Repo also contains types for the SearchResults and a SearchResult. These can be seen in ./types.ts


Searching can be done without providing any params. You will just get whatever mozilla decides to give you. Alternatively you could provide, any combination of the following params:

  1. query
  2. pageNumber
  3. pageSize

When passed a query string, mozilla will attempt to provide results that are most relevant to that string

When there are multiple pages of results pageNumber will let you start at a particular page

To restrict the number of results per page, you can use pageSize

The following example will search for 'youtube downloader' addons, restricting the number of results to 3, and fetchthe first page:

import { firefoxAddOnClient } from 'firefox-add-on-scraper'
const results = await firefoxAddOnClient.addOns.search({
  query: 'youtube downloader',
  pageNumber: 1,
  pageSize: 3,

It is equivalent to using curl in the following way:

curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/addons/search/?page_size=3&page=1&q=youtube%5Cdownloader"


if you know the slug for the plugin you want to get, then you can fetch it directly using this method. it takes a single param, which is the string

The following example will fetch information for a plugin with the slug of easy-youtube-video-download

import { firefoxAddOnClient } from 'firefox-add-on-scraper'
const result = await firefoxAddOnClient.addOns.get('easy-youtube-video-download');

It is equivalent to using curl in the following way:

curl https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/addons/addon/easy-youtube-video-download/


For anyone wanting to programatically download a plugin, this CLI provides the download method. You provide the url of the plugin you wish to download, and it will do that for you.

This method takes 2 params, the url of the plugin, and the outputPath for where it should store the file.

You could totally ignore this if you have the url for the file and fetch it however you please. This might give you more freedom on how you wish to store/use the data that was fetched.

To obtain the URL you may wish to use the search/get methdods of this client and inspect the response.

The following example will download one of the addons that was fetched in a previous example

import { firefoxAddOnClient } from 'firefox-add-on-scraper'
const result = await firefoxAddOnClient.addOns.get('easy-youtube-video-download');

const url = result.current_version.file.url;
const outputPath = './some/path/to/somewhere.xpi'

await firefoxAddOnClient.download({ outputPath, url })

the above example would be similar to using wget:

wget https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/3851158/easy_youtube_video_downloader_express-17.4-an+fx.xpi