
Program used to update the top part of a header in all .SAS files found within a specified directory.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This script is used to update the top part of a header in all .SAS files found within a specified directory.     
The purpose of this is to ensure that the header used across all files in a study is consistent and up to date   
with the current standard.                                                                                       
Should the standard change this script can be used to update all in a given directory to reflect this change.    
To use this script ensure that this .py file has the header(.txt) file that is to be used present in the same    
directory. if there is no header available for this script to use, then it will fail. no changes to files will be
this program will not alter anything in the SAS files, BESIDES the top section of the header. The top section    
currently begins with a line that starts '/*===========' and ends with the first line that starts '___________'  
should this change, then the script will need updating.

Can be run from the command line.
Or utilised from within your own Python Program.

Required arguments
  -d or --dir		      The location of the [d]irectory that contains files you want to updated.
  -m or --multiple	  The location of a file that contains [m]ultiple directory locations.
  -f or --file		    The location of the header [f]ile that will be used to replace original headers.
Optional arguments
  -v or --versionhistory 	an optional flag that indicates if you want the version history of the file to be cleared.
Example Usage

  Single Directory:
    Python headerReplace.py –d=W:\19950205\analysis\final\figures –f=header.txt -v
  Multiple Directories:
    Python headerReplace.py –m=dirs.txt –f=header.txt -v