- 1
Mistype in get_uct method
#25 opened by neurocore - 1
#24 opened by Sujingqiao - 0
Virtual visits
#18 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
MCTS can be probably much faster
#23 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
std namespace
#22 opened by dist1ll - 0
Transposition table in MCTS
#16 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 0
ETC (Enhanced Transposition Cutoff)
#15 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 2
Null-move heuristic
#12 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 3
Killer heuristic
#2 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 2
Consistent usage of const
#19 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 2
History heuristic
#9 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
#10 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 3
Zobrist hashing
#17 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
Tests coverage
#14 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
Better testing framework
#13 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
- 0
RAVE (Rapid Action Value Estimation)
#5 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 4
Transposition table
#1 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
input() doesn't work in Python 2
#11 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 0
Null move heuristic
#4 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
Iterative deepening
#8 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 3
Mirror library in C++
#6 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk - 1
Unit tests
#3 opened by AdamStelmaszczyk