
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Django Articles Website: "Da Fool"


This is a Django 2.2 example app featuring a homepage + article page. Article pages display article content retireved from a fake API and stock quote tickers from another fake API, as well as a Commenting feature providing the ability to post and delete comments as unauthenticated user. This commenting feature is a basic CRUD system built with Django models.


  1. Clone this repo and navigate into the dafool directory

  2. Create and activate a python3 virtualenv for this project (I used pipenv, a simplified virtual environment manager that work son Unix and Windows systems).

    1. To create a python3 virtualenv, from within the project directory, you need to run the command:

      virualenv --python=/path/to/python3 .

    2. Make sure your current version of python is at least python3.6 by running:

      python --version

    3. If you aren't using python3 by default, and don't know where you python3 is, run: python3 --version if that command works, run: which python3 and that will display the path/to/python3

      Otherwise, you need to install python3.

    4. Once you've crated the virtualenv, from within that same project directory, run:

      source bin/activate

  3. Run ./setup.sh inside the dafool project directory

    1. If you get permission denied when trying to execute, run: chmod +x ./setup.sh then try again
  4. Run python manage.py runserver to start the Django server!