PIC is a website which can post image, and others can comment using image too.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Group Information:

  1. Group Name: ThreeJS

  2. Group Members:

    • Zemin Zhang 13307982
    • Weihan Zeng 13023128
    • Zhian Chen 13083112

start the project

  1. download docker from link

    1. windows: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/
    2. mac: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/
  2. in root directory using command line:

    docker-compose up —build

  3. Technical Stack

    • Deploy:

      • Nginx

      • Vultr-Cloud instance

      • Docker

      • docker-compose

    • Frontend main dependencies:

      • antd (Ant Design)
      • axios
      • emoji-mart
      • moment
      • qiniu-js (For uploading image)
      • react-router-dom
    • Backend:

      • express
      • jwt
      • bcrypt
      • redis
      • mongodb
    • Test:

      • mocha
      • supertest
      • chai