We are working with a 3 branch structure: **Main, Develop and Features.**
-- The main branch is off limits for now. That's our live production branch
-- The develop branch is where we merge all our features/work together
-- The features branch is the one you would create for the feature you are working on.
If this is your first time here, first clone this repository if not skip this step.
git clone https://github.com/Scrum-Team-C/Comic-Zone-Server
cd Comic-Zone-Server && npm i
These are the steps to take:
If you are working on a page/feature for e.g Cart,
Check out to develop branch (git checkout develop)
git checkout develop
Create your own branch. (git checkout -b cart). That command also checks out into the cart branch.
git checkout -b cart
Write your code, commit, and push to remote. I guess we know how to commit and push our codes.
When you are done with the feature and now want to merge to develop, check out to develop (git checkout develop)
git checkout develop
pull to make sure you have all current changes in develop (git pull origin develop)
git pull origin develop
Check out to your cart branch, (git checkout cart)
git checkout cart
then merge in develop (git merge develop)
git merge develop
Fix possible merge conflicts, then push to remote (git push)
git push
Go on Github. Click create pull request.
Choose the branches you want to merge,
making sure that you're merging cart branch into develop. (please verify that the branch you want to merge to is develop. )
You can drop comments on the pull request. I will look at it and then merge it into develop
If you are experiencing any issues contact Adaobi or Charles or Ifechi