
Primary LanguageJavaScript


In 2016, I developed a fully functional subscription-based bot service for the popular game agar.io. The project involved creating a bot cluster from scratch using JavaScript and Node.js, utilizing the concept of classes and prototypes. The bot cluster allowed users to control hundreds of cells (bots) within the game, giving them a tremendous advantage against other enemy players. The bot cluster was hosted on multiple Ubuntu servers, while a browser extension was developed as the graphical user interface (GUI) to enable users to interact with the bots.

By installing a chrome extension and authenticating with a valid subscription key, users could spawn hundreds of cells in game. By default, these cells were programmed to target the user's cell coordinates (x,y pos), enabling the user to consume them and grow larger. Additionally, users had the option to control the cells' movement direction by moving their mouse cursor, initiating gameplay where the cells would consume each other to grow larger and eat other enemy cells. The main objective was to become the largest cell by strategically maneuvering the bots and consuming others while avoiding being consumed by larger enemy cells.

The development of this project was solely driven by educational purposes and a desire to gain a deeper understanding of websockets, binary protocols, and reverse engineering. The project aimed to acquire practical knowledge while delivering an engaging and fun gameplay experience.

Architecture version 010


  • Website - website with Dapi
  • Master - Master server. All other servers/client connecting to Master
  • Box - client/server with Bots
  • Bot - bot connected/spawned by Box.
  • Customer - user registered on website. Customer have CustomerID (integer) and - CustomerKEY (string 32 characters) to auth Customer
  • Subscription - what customer bought
  • Task - task for cluster. Like "feed customer 123 with 20 bots in party server ABC123, he have 10 minutes left". There is TaskID
  • Extension - browser extension that Customer installs in browser. Extension knows CustomerID and CustomerKEY
  • Reception - WebSocket server that waits connections from Customer's Extension
  • Wapi - part of Master with HTTP API (RESTful API)
  • Wapic - Wapi client
  • Dapi - part of Website with HTTP API (RESTful API)


Master - Master server, IP must be hidden from end users. All other servers/clients connects to Master. Box - client with Bots. Box connecting to Master and listens from commands. Should be launched on multiple VPSes Reception - websocket server that listens for connections from Extensions. Its IP is public accessible and should be on same IP as website.


Part of Master with HTTP API (RESTful API)



JSON Format: Example:

{'status': 'success', 'a': 'b'}
{'status': 'error', 'code': 'UNSUPPORTED_METHOD', 'reason': 'Unknown method: DELETE'}

Always there status with success or error. If error then there is code and reason. Never show any of this to end user!

General errors

  • UNSUPPORTED_METHOD - Unknown method
  • URL_PARSE_FAIL - Unable to parse URL
  • EMPTY_QUERY - Unable to get query from URL
  • AUTH_REQUIRED - There is no auth field found
  • AUTH_FAILED - Invalid password
  • EMPTY_COMMAND - There is no cmd field found
  • UNKNOWN_COMMAND - Unknown cmd field value


  • count_boxes - counts connected Boxes
  • count
  • list_boxes - list for IDs of Boxes
  • list - array of IDs
  • ping_box(box_id) - calculates average ping of Box
  • average - number
  • history - array of numbers of last pings


Part of Website with HTTP API (RESTful API)

Requests / Responses / General errors

Same as WAPI


  • tick - decrease time (default 60 sec) from all activated subscriptions.
  • No feedback needed
  • authorize_customer(id, key) Receptions wants to authorize Customer
  • username - username of Customer
  • subscriptions - array of subscriptions. Empty array if none
    • id - number
    • type - ffa or party
    • count - number of available Bots
    • time - number of remaining seconds
    • activated - true/false is it activated or this is first time usage
  • INVALID_CUSTOMER - return this error if there is no such customer
  • subscription_info(id) - request subscription info
  • owner - ID of customer
  • type - ffa or party
  • count - number of available Bots
  • remain - number of remaining seconds
  • activated - true/false is it activated or this is first time usage
  • INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION - return error if subscription not found
  • cluster_overloaded(subscription_id, customer_id) - we need more servers. After solve, give this subscription some free time
  • No feedback needed
  • request_proxies(subscription_id, region, count) - get count of socks
  • list - array of arrays of socks like [ip, port, version] like [['','8888','5'],['','123','4']]
  • subscription_activate(id) - activate subscription since this is first use
  • No feedback needed


var econ = new Extension();


  • connected - is connected to reception
  • initialized - initialized by reception
  • hooked - is hooked to agar.io connection
  • killed - killed by reception and no more connections will be made
  • reconnect_attempt - reconnect attempt number
  • feedback_queue - queue of errors
  • customer_id - customer id
  • customer_key - customer key
  • socket - EIO socket
  • state - check Extension.state
  • engaged - array of engaged IDs on this session
  • target - mouse / cords / nickname / ball


  • engage_subscription(id) - engage. Will return false if hook is not installed, this mean extension was loaded after agario scripts connected to server. Fix it or ask user to connect to new server so hook can be installed on new connection.


Using EventEmitter

  • on.connect() - connected to reception server
  • on.disconnect() - disconnected from reception server
  • on.reconnect(attempt, delay) - reconnecting, first attempt will be 0 with 0 delay, do not show it
  • on.cleanup() - extension is cleaned itself after disconnect
  • on.userinfo(obj) - userinfo received,
  • obj.username username
  • obj.subscriptions number of subscriptions count
  • on.notice(notice_code, kill) - notice received. Codes listed below. kill true/false - close connection without reconnect or not
  • on.subscriptionAdded(sub)
  • sub.id number
  • sub.count count of bots
  • sub.remain seconds remaining
  • sub.expire expire timestamp. Ignore for unactivated
  • sub.type type party or ffa
  • sub.activated is activated true/false
  • on.versionUpgrade(version) - upgrade version of script (load script as 'script.js?NEW_VERSION')
  • version number of new version
  • on.authorized customer is authorized and ready
  • on.subscriptionEngaged(id, opt) subscription engaged
  • id - ID of subscription
  • opt.this_session - engaged in this session or not (opened in another tab/browser/computer)
  • on.subscriptionDisengaged(id) subscription disengaged
  • id - ID of subscription
  • on.subscriptionConnected(id, count) subscription connected bots count
  • id - ID of subscription
  • count - amount of connected bots
  • on.subscriptionActivated(id) subscription activated and expire timer started
  • id - ID of subscription



  • target - current target type
  • my_ball - last my ball ID


  • on.error(msg) - error
  • on.mousePos(x, y) - new mouse position caught
  • on.myNewBall(ball_id) - our new ball id
  • on.leaderBoardUpdate(arr) - array of leaders IDs
  • on.hook(server, key) - hooked to connection


  • 0 Client->Server auth(version, customer_id, customer_key)
  • 1 Client->Server feedback(msg)
  • 2 Server->Client userinfo(object {username: '', subscriptions: [ check Dapi commands ]})
  • 3 Server->Client notice(notice_code, kill)
  • 4 Server->Client upgrade_version(new_version)
  • 5 Client->Server engage_subscription(id, region, gamemode, key) engage
  • 7 Server->Client engaged(id, this_session) when engaged
  • 8 Server->Client disengaged(id) when disengaged
  • 9 Server->Client connected(id, count) connected bots amount update
  • 10 Server->Client activated(id) subscription activated and expire timer started
  • 11 Client->Server leaders(arr) send new leader board
  • 12 Client->Server new_cords(x, y) send new position to target
  • 13 Client->Server new_ball(ball_id) send new ball_id to target
  • 14 Client->Server new_nickname(nick) send new nickname target

Notice codes

  • 0 Version mismatch, tell user to refresh page (you can ignore this since we have upgrade_version(new_version) packet)
  • 1 Error while communicating with Dapi server. Tell user to try again later
  • 2 Auth failed. CustomerID or CustomerKEY is incorrect.
  • 3 Subscription not found
  • 4 Subscription expired
  • 5 Subscription type mismatch (for example user on party, but subscription for ffa)
  • 6 Subscription did not received region code. Try to refresh page
  • 7 Subscription did not received party key. Try to refresh page
  • 8 Subscription is already in use. Check opened tabs or who you gave you password
  • 9 Cluster is overloaded and unable to engage subscription. Tell user that free time will be added when cluster will be fixed.
  • 10 Subscription did not received server. Try to refresh page
  • 11 Subscription received wrong format of FFA key. Try to refresh page
  • 12 Subscription received wrong format of party key. Try to refresh page
  • 13 Subscription received wrong format server address. Try to refresh page
  • 14 Task can't connect to party server. Is it closed?
  • 15 Subscription time is expired while it was engaged
  • 16 Failed to activate subscription on DAPI
  • 17 Box crashed while task was engaged


Not to forget:

  • If customer engages bots and then refreshes page and then engages again immediately give him timeout to protect from overload cluster
  • Website should write to extension memory customer_id,customer_key
  • Extension should write its version SOMEWHERE(?) into memory
  • Injector should add ?version to .js file to bypass cache. version will be stored SOMEWHERE(?) in extension memory.
  • Reception check ws.state of user before send
  • If cluster don't have free servers on subscription engage, then notice user and add subscription time

TODO website: Plans should have "count" of bots, "time" remained seconds to use, "active" is it activated by master after first use Customers should have CustomerID, CustomerKEY (randomly generated secret string)

When customer buys plan do not activate it immediately, set active=false


  • Send invalid IP for FFA server
  • Send invalid leaders list for FFA servers
  • Send fake party server with millions of balls in it
  • Send gigabytes of data to reception