CSS Frameworks Course Assignment


From the supplied design, use Bootstrap or React Bootstrap to create a responsive website.

Level 1 Process

  • You may use React or regular HTML, JavaScript and Sass.
  • You may use Bootstrap or React Bootstrap.
  • Use one of Sass, CSS Modules or Styled Components to style the project.
  • You can use Font Awesome or another icon library for the icons.
  • The fonts in the design are Google fonts.

Level 2 Process

  • If you use Sass, use BEM to create your class names.


The design and additional files can be found in this repo.

Marking Criteria

  • The site should match the design as closely as possible and should be responsive across all device sizes.
  • If your project uses Sass, the files should be appropriately named and arranged in partials.
  • If your project uses React, your components should be appropriately named and arranged.


  • When you accepted this submission, a repository was created for you. Use this repository for your code and submit a link to this repo when you deliver.
  • Remember to EXCLUDE the node_modules folder if you use React or any npm packages


40 hours