
C/C++ CI


Encryption and decryption using enigma algorithm - A highly reliable and secure way of protecting your data.


There are several keys that can be used to encrypt and decrypt the data. But the same same key which is used to encrypt must be used to decrypt the encrypted data.

  • Input the data in the text file "input.txt"
  • Run the encryption code with the above file as input
  • You get the encrypted data.
  • To get back the understandable and readable version of the above data, input the encrypted data with the key unchanged that was used to encrypt it. Now you get back the decrypted data.


  1. Input text in input.txt.
  2. Run the executable file.
  3. Select Option 1-> to decrypt or encrypt data based on input.
  4. Select Option 2-> to save data in output.txt file.
  5. Select Option 3-> to exit the program.
  6. Repeat the same steps for decrypting data.