
Screenshot 2022-04-05 185031

JavaScript30 Day 01

Javascript 30 Analysis

This is a summary of the key information I took away from each project.

What I learned on this mini-project.


window.addEventListener('keydown', playSound);

This is used to attach an event handler to the window object. An event in this context is when "something happens to the window object".

  • keydown is the event name
  • playSound is the function that runs when the event happens

querySelector & querySelectorAll

const key = document.querySelector(`.key[data-key="${event.keyCode}"]`);

const keys = document.querySelectorAll('.key');

This will return the HTML element you trying to select (or all of them as a NodeList), an example of what will be stored in key is shown below.

<div data-key="65" class="key">
    <span class="sound">clap</span>



This quite simply adds classes like you would in jQuery with key.addClass.


key.addEventListener('transitionend', removeTransition)

You can listen for when a transition finishes, the length of the transition (in this case) was given in the following CSS transition: all .07s ease;

Further research

  • NodeList

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