
a collection of repositories for image scrapy/crawl/annotation/augmentation


a collection of repositories for image scrapy/crawl/annotations/augmentations/unwatermark/...

scrapy/crawl repos

repo functions comments
https://github.com/blurrye/sogoupicscrapy,mongodb good if you use sogou search engine
https://github.com/donquixote1984/scrapy_image_crawlercrawl image and monitor under estimization
https://github.com/atif93/google_image_downloaderDownloading any number of images for a search query very good!
https://github.com/hellock/icrawlerThis package is a mini framework of web crawlers. multi-thread!image,video.google,bing,baidu,flickr
https://github.com/WuLC/GoogleImagesDownloaderEnlarge training dataset by searching images with specified keywords in google and download the presented images selenium/urllib, highly completetation
https://github.com/hardikvasa/google-images-downloadPython Script for 'searching' and 'downloading' hundreds of Google images to the local hard disk! good if you only need google images
https://github.com/luyishisi/Anti-Anti-Spidercrawl with anti apider! useful for website with anti spider

annotation repos

repo functions comments
https://github.com/ptklx/faceManagelibAnnotation tool use dlib and mtcnn auto-anno
https://github.com/openannotation/annotatorwebpage annotation text,images,..
https://github.com/christopher5106/FastAnnotationToolFast Image Data Annotation Tool (FIAT) license plate annotation
https://github.com/TobiasWeller/SemanticImageAnnotatorthe Semantic Image Annotator extension for Semantic MediaWiki. i maybe
https://github.com/eisneim/dl_annotatorcrx extension for annotation fun
https://github.com/apennisi/eventannotationtoolThe Event Annotation Tool (EAT) is an instrument for annotating normal and abnormal events in videos and images. useful
https://github.com/piedoom/jnotean image annotation package for javascript using canvas hotspot on images
https://github.com/VashishtMadhavan/LabelingToolWeb-Based Segmentation Interface web style "LabelMe"
https://github.com/erikdahlstrand/redrawRedraw is a JavaScript library which provides basic image annotation tools in your browser. js, simple
https://github.com/saeedghsh/IAGTImage Annotation for Ground Truth satellite map annotation
https://github.com/neon-jungle/wagtailannotatedimageAllows users to combine a Wagtail image with custom annotation data. useful if you use wagtail in your blog

augmentation repos

repo functions comments
https://github.com/albu/albumentationsfast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries image augmentation!!!

deal with watermark repos

repo functions comments
https://github.com/rohitrango/automatic-watermark-detectionAutomatic watermark detection and removal liner combination

image deduplication

see my other repo: https://github.com/AddASecond/imgdedup_collection

image enhance
