
All Algorithms implemented in JavaScript

The Algorithms - JavaScript

All algorithms implemented in JavaScript (for education)

There implementations are for learning purposes. If you want to contribute more efficient solutions feel free to open an issue and commit your solution.


You can look for Algorithms to implement at: LeetCode Algorithms

To contribute make sure the Algorithm isn't commited yet!

Getting Started

  • Fork this repository (Click the Form button, top right of this page)
  • Clone your fork fown to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/your-username/hacktoberfest.git
  • Create a branch for a new feature
git checkout -b feature/branch-name
  • Or if its a bugfix to a file
git checkout -b bugfix/branch-name
  • Make your changes (choose from the Tasks above!)
  • Commit and Push
git add .
git commit -m 'commit message'
git push origin branch-name
  • Create a New Pull Request from your forked repository ( Click the 'New Pull Request' Button located at the top of your repo)
  • Wait for your PR review and merge approval!
  • Star this repository if you had fun!

Thank You!