
Personal system configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Dotfiles EST 2015

Personal system configuration

This is my over complicated system configuation managed with Puppet, containing all the usual tools you would expect from a terminal development workflow.


Before you consider using this configuration, it is recommended that you have your own repository and you just take what you need from this repository and adapt it to your needs. If you really want this configuration then it is recommended that you fork, review the code and remove anything you don't need.

To install the configuration Puppet Bolt and Git are required to on the system so you can run the install scripts.


NOTE: Currently the only OS supported is Ubuntu MATE, up until 2020 Ubuntu Desktop was used at work so that should have good support but really any Debian system should be OK.

# Clone the repo
git clone https://gitlab.com/adeattwood/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
# Apply the configuration
site-modules/core/files/bin/dotfiles apply