Killpowa Server

A basic auth server powered by axum and sqlx (Postgres) and uses SSE (Server Sent Events) to deliver near instant updates to the client.

App Setup


  • A Postgres database credentials
  • Sqlx-Cli with postgres features support. visit Sqlx-cli crate doc on how to install

Clone repo and cd into repo

$ git clone

$ cd kpower-server

Update config values in the config/base.yaml file or create an .env file from the .env.sample file and provide the appropriate config values

NOTE: Security sensitive configurations (like database password and jwt secret) should be set (or override) from the .env file

Setup database

The migrations/ directory contains migrations to setup the database. To setup you need to set a DATABASE_URL environment variable and run the sqlx migrate command

$ export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost:5432/postgres

$ sqlx migrate run

Start app

To start app in dev mode, run:

$ cargo run