
Resolver is a CLI tool that enable developers to scaffold projects of different development tools and programming languages.

Primary LanguageRust


Resolver-cli is a CLI tool that enable developers to scaffold projects for different development purposes, and programming languages.


Installing resolver-cli requires that you already have Rust , and cargo installed. Use the following command to install Rust and Cargo:

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

To check whether you have Rust installed correctly, open a shell, and run the command below:

$ rustc --version

Check whether cargo is installed:

$ cargo --version

Now that you have Rust and Cargo installed, run the command below to install resolver-cli:

cargo install resolver-cli


With resolver-cli you can create projects for different development tools and programming languages. Resolver-cli has three action commands get, scaffold, and install.

The get action is used to clone selected Diamond Standard Templates from GitHub which covers for Hardhat JavaScript, Hardhat TypeScript, and Foundry.

Diamond Standard Hardhat JavaScript

Creates a project boilerplate with Diamond Standard Hardhat JavaScript

resolver-cli get dhjs project_name

Diamond Standard Hardhat TypeScript

Creates a project boilerplate with Diamond Standard Hardhat TypeScript

resolver-cli get dhts project_name

Diamond Standard Foundry

Creates a project boilerplate with Diamond Standard Foundry

resolver-cli get dfd project_name

The scaffold action is used to scaffold projects for different development tools and languages which includes:

  • ReactJS
  • ReactTs
  • Hardhat
  • NestJs
  • Laravel
  • NextJs
  • Foundry
  • Vue
  • Vite


Creates a React project with JavaScript

resolver-cli scaffold reactjs project_name


Creates a React project with TypeScript

resolver-cli scaffold reactts project_name


Creates a Hardhat Solidity project

resolver-cli scaffold hardhat project_name


Creates a NestJS project

resolver-cli scaffold nestjs project_name


Creates a Laravel PHP project

resolver-cli scaffold laravel project_name


Creates a NextJS project

resolver-cli scaffold nextjs project_name


Creates a new foundry project

resolver-cli scaffold foundry project_name


Creates a Vue.js project

resolver-cli scaffold vue project_name


Creates (Vanilla TypeScript, Vue, React, Preact, Lit, Svelte) project using Vite

resolver-cli scaffold vite project_name

The install action installs development tools like Node.js, Homebrew, Choco, Scarb, e.t.c.

  • To install node, run: resolver-cli install node

  • To install homebrew, run: resolver-cli install brew

  • To install choco, run: resolver-cli install choco

  • To install scarb, run: resolver-cli install scarb

Run resolver-cli install --help to see all supported installation tools.