
A repository containing template for implementing Security in Software applications. this project contains an OAuth Server similar to Okta and Auth0. This server helps in provides security via OAuth2.0 and OpenId connect protocol

Primary LanguageC#


This is the project is a template which demonstrates implementing secure authentication and authorization using OpenId Connect and OAuth 2.0 in dotnet(c#).


  • identityServer4 Redirect workflow via Implicit Grant.
  • identityServer4 Credential workflow via ResourceOwnerPasswordAndClientCredentials


Restore Packages

nuget restore

Generate Cert and Key using the following command

req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout OAuthServer.key -x509 -days 365 -out OAuthServer.cer

Creat a pfx

pkcs12 -export -in OAuthServer.cer -inkey OAuthServer.key -out OAuthServer.pfx

cd ./OAuth.AuthServer

Update the appSetting.json according to the appSetting.sample.json with the .pfx path and password

  • Start the authentication server
dotnet restore
dotnet run build

  • Start the web api project
cd ../OAuth.webApi 
dotnet run build

  • Navigate the token endpoint on the Authentication server
POST  http://localhost:5002/connect/token

    "client_id" : ""
    "grant_type": "password"
    "username": ""
    "password": ""
    "client_secret": ""

copy the reponse token and use it to authenticate webApi endpoints