Task result for Pixel Art Maker


Visit this link to see the app demo: PIXEL ART MAKER

Required goals

  • Base grid 8x8 rendering
  • Possibility of choosing colors from a palette
  • Grid size can be chosen from:
    • 8x8
    • 12x12
    • 16x16
    • 32x32
  • Download option (JPG / PNG / GIF)
  • Paint bucket / fill tool
    • Fill in neighboring pixels whose color value corresponds to the pixels you click on


I use the following technologies / frameworks in my project:

  • JavaScript / jQuery

3rd Party Libraries

I use the following 3rd party libraries in my project:

Name Reason What it does
html2canvas to take "screenshots" of webpages or parts of it, directly on the users browser renders the current page as a canvas image, by reading the DOM and the different styles applied to the elements


Why did you choose this technology (s) / language (s) I started my journey in Front End with Javascript and at the moment is the only language I have worked with. I believe that JS will keep its place in top tier programming languages as browsers are becoming more and more complex.
How confident are you in dealing with the selected language (s) / technology (s) Given the fact that it has been the only language I worked with, I enjoy playing with it and it's fun for me to create a new app or a new website. In the past 6 months I honed my JS skills everyday.
Why did you choose a particular framework I chose Jquery for this project for its readability and simplicity. I believe it makes it easier for any third party to read it and understand it.