
CHICKEN implementation of the Serial Line Internet Protocol (RFC1055)

Primary LanguageScheme


This is a CHICKEN-implementatino of SLIP. SLIP is designed to allow concatenating packets into a stream while maintaing their message boundaries.

You can make ports which #!eof at end of packet-mark ("\300")

(read-string #f (make-slip-port (open-input-string "A\300B"))) => "A"

To read multiple packets, you must make multiple slip-ports. Or read a packet as a string directly:

(slip-read (open-input-string "A\300B")) => "A"

You write packets like this:

(with-output-to-string (lambda () (slip-write "A\300B"))) => "A\333\334B\300"

As shown, this escapes characters and appends the end of packet mark ("\300").

This egg has not been benchmarked but is probably very slow.