Data Visualization Final Project

Project Goal

Warning: Remember that you will have your own selected data set and related tasks. You are starting from an originally created template to construct your own dashboard.

Play around the following sample layouts to start with,

About Dataset

Below are a list of data repositories that might be of interest to browse. You’re not limited to these resources, and in fact you’re encouraged to venture beyond them. But you might find something interesting there:

Dashboard Content

After choosing your template, or creating your own by using our lecture notes, try to construct a new one including the following components,

  • Panel including these information (Data Set name, author, your ID number and Date)
  • List of the variable names from the data set
  • Main summary of the data set in a structured way
  • One histogram for a numerical variable
  • One Multiple box plot based on different categories
  • One scatteplot for the relationship between two numerical variables
  • One interactive ggplotly object regarding the interactivity
  • Reference tab panel including the sources that you used


  • You can start from our FlexDashBoard.Rmd template as well but make sure that it is really modified otherwise if you use it directly your grade will be discounted !
  • Try to add small comments about your created plots within the relevant sub-component of the dashboard layout
  • If you feel comfortable about playing around with Shiny, feel free to choose Shiny based dashboards.
  • If you have your own data set to work out, you can use it for this assignment.