This bot is made to replace almost every discord bot in one discord server. The idea is that you only need one bot to manage in order to simplify things. You don't need to set up permissions with 5 different bots. Less is more.
To add this discorod bot to your sever, simply go to this website:
And click register and sign in with your discord account.
Return a picture of a cat
Return an interesting fact about a cat
Return a picture of a dog
Return an interesting fact about a dog
Return a picture of a lizzard
Return a picture of a panda
Return a picture of a parrot
Information about the author of this mot
Lists available command categories
Lists info commands
Lists music commands
Lists role commands
Returns information about the server
!userinfo <@username>
Returns information about the user
shows you what level you are
a user
a user's messages
Lists moderation commands
a user
a user
a user
a user
a user
List warnings a user has received
a user
changes the typing speed in a channel
a youtube link
a youtube playlist link
List what songs are queued
a song
playing music
Search youtube for a song/video
Create a poll for users to vote on by reacting
Flip a coin
List fun commands