
An interpreted language written in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Monkey is an interpreted language written in Go. This project is actively under development.


  • Built with Go 1.22 (though you don't need go installation if you have docker)
  • direnv
  • just
  • ginkgo (if you want to run local unit tests)
  • golangci-lint (if you want to do local lint)
  • docker (if you want to run it in the docker way)


Local build and run

Open your shell, then REPL is ready for you:

~ just run
   .--.  .-"     "-.  .--.
  / .. \/  .-. .-.  \/ .. \
 | |  '|  /   Y   \  |'  | |
 | \   \  \ 0 | 0 /  /   / |
  \ '- ,\.-"""""""-./, -' /
   ''-' /_   ^ ^   _\ '-''
       |  \._   _./  |
       \   \ '~' /   /
        '._ '-=-' _.'
Hello xxx! This is the Monkey programming language!


~ docker pull ghcr.io/aden-q/monkey
➜  ~ docker run -it --rm --name monkey ghcr.io/aden-q/monkey
   .--.  .-"     "-.  .--.
  / .. \/  .-. .-.  \/ .. \
 | |  '|  /   Y   \  |'  | |
 | \   \  \ 0 | 0 /  /   / |
  \ '- ,\.-"""""""-./, -' /
   ''-' /_   ^ ^   _\ '-''
       |  \._   _./  |
       \   \ '~' /   /
        '._ '-=-' _.'
Hello xxx! This is the Monkey programming language!

Binary installation

Assuming you have $GOPATH appended to your $PATH env var:

~ go install github.com/aden-q/monkey@latest
➜  ~ monkey
   .--.  .-"     "-.  .--.
  / .. \/  .-. .-.  \/ .. \
 | |  '|  /   Y   \  |'  | |
 | \   \  \ 0 | 0 /  /   / |
  \ '- ,\.-"""""""-./, -' /
   ''-' /_   ^ ^   _\ '-''
       |  \._   _./  |
       \   \ '~' /   /
        '._ '-=-' _.'
Hello xxx! This is the Monkey programming language!


For more examples and language details. Please check the blog post here.

Built-in functions

>>> print("Hello, world!");
Hello, world!
>>> len("Hello, world!");


Anonymous function and function binding:

>>> fn(x, y) { return x * y; } (5, 6);
>>> let add = fn(x, y) { return x + y; };
>>> add(2, 8);

Control structures


>>> if (10 > 5) { 5; } else { 10; };


>>> let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
>>> arr[0];


>>> let person = {"name": "alice", "age": 21};  
>>> person["name"];

Conventions and Features

  • Programs can run in REPL or as scripts
  • Primitive data types: int, boolean, string
  • Identifiers consist of alphabet letters or underscore
  • Statements are explicitly end by seminlon ;
  • Comments start with double slash //
  • Conditional statements (if and switch keywords)
  • Loops (for, range, and while keywords)
  • First-class functions and closures
  • Prefix operators (binary expressions)
  • Infix operators (unary expressions)
  • Postfix operators
  • A Pratt Parser implementation
  • A Tree-walking interpreter
  • Use Go's GC to prevent memory leak


  • Token set
  • Lexer
  • Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
  • Pratt parser based on context-free grammars and the Backus-Naur-Form
  • Tree-walking interpreter/evaluator
  • Object system


  • docs: doc everything related to usage and implementation details
  • feat: Unicode
  • feat: parsing line, column number for better visibility
  • feat: hexical notation and octal notation for integers
  • feat: formatting and prettier in REPL
  • feat: support for multiple types: boolean, float, struct, string, byte, etc
  • feat: support for collection types: array, map, set
  • feat: add support for variadic functions
  • feat: add support for anonymous functions
  • feat: add <=, >= operators
  • feat: add logical operators ||, &&
  • feat: add bitwise operators ^, |, &
  • refactor: unary operators, binary operators, ternary operators
  • feat: use Cobra to enable multiple modes when launching the REPL
  • feat: support for concurrency primitives such as Mutex, RWMutex, atomic
  • feat: support for comments
  • docs: a diagram for the full REPL loop including the AST used
  • check whether we need the token field in AST
  • test: increase test coverage to at least 80%
  • feat: return can only be used in functions, do not allow plain return in REPL
  • feat: if expression with multiple branches
  • feat: check peek token type in parseExpression
  • feat: check the difference between if expression and if statement
  • feat: empty statement with only a single ;
  • feat: scroll in command history with up and down keys
  • feat: PrettyPrint, color, AST, etc
  • feat: sys call such as print(...)
  • feat: add a helper for available functions
  • feat: switch between multiple value representation system using some flag
  • feat: class (object system)
  • feat: configuration with yaml or envrc
  • feat: edge cases for those operators
  • feat: integer division operator and float division operator
  • feat: reference integer literal as constant, simulate some static memory space for literals of integer, strings, etc.
  • feat: integer overflow problem
  • feat: command history and navigate in REPL using left, right, up, bottom
  • feat: configuration as env vars, default + direnv
  • feat: semantics for left and right arrows in REPL
  • feat: semantics for up and down arrows in REPL
  • feat: lexing, parsing, evaluation of nil expression statement
  • fix: slow startup issue
  • fix: do not allow plain return in REPL outside of a function, report an error instead
  • docs: add a section for all control structures
  • feat: semantics of scope
  • feat: pointer/reference semantics
  • feat: func multiple return values
  • refactor: evalExpressions (int, error)
  • feat: parallel assignment
  • feat: escaping characters and error when " mismatches
  • perf: add immutable constants to the envvironment to reduce memory allocation
  • feat: add a print builtin function
  • feat: add quit(), exit() builtin functions to exit elegantly
  • feat: add a static/dynamic type system
  • ci: build and publish as a pkg on Docker Hub
  • feat: dot as an operator (similar to infix index expression)
  • feat: mutable array implementation for efficient push/pop
  • feat: map-reduce as an example
  • feat: iterator, range operator
  • feat: bytecode, VM, and JIT compilation
  • feat: make array mutable, array should support re-assignment, extending, pop, etc.


  • Writing An Interpreter In Go by Thorsten Ball
  • Top Down Operator Precedence by Vaughan Pratt
  • The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) by Harold Abelson


MIT License