
This project implements a visual transit simulation system for buses in Minneapolis.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Visual Transit System Simulator


Table of contents


The simulation system models bus transit around the University of Minnesota campus, and can display the routings and statistics on a webpage in a timely manner.

System Architecture



Directory Structures

  • config: Contains config.txt which is a configuration file for bus stops and routes used by the transit simulation system, can be customized.
  • cpplint: Automatic Google Style cpplint script.
  • docs: Documentation files and images.
  • drivers: Contains source code with the main function that is used to create the drivers files for entities in the simulation system.
  • googletest:GoogleTest suits for unit testing and regression testing.
  • src: Directory that contains all the source code (.cc AND .h) for the backend simulator.
  • test: Directory of creating unit tests, using Google Test framework.
  • build: Created by Makefile, containing all the executables.
  • web_code: Source code for the web server used to enable communication between the visualization component and the backend simulation system.
  • web_graphics: Frontend HTML/CSS/JavaScript source code used to render the web page. It enables to configure and run the transit simulation system from the local browser.


  • Visualization on a web page
  • Functionality to Pause / Resume
  • Logging the statistics
  • Runtime behavior modificaiton at runtime
  • Linking to an external database server
  • Deploying the on the cloud


  • g++
  • node
  • npm


The project can be compiled across different platforms using Makefile. However, to enable most of the features and functionalities of the system. It recommended to compile it on a Linux machine. Then we can run the simulation system and the web server on a Linux machine and access it via a browser on a different platform (Linux, OSX, Windows, or even on a mobile).

To compile and build the program, it is as simple as:

$ cd src
$ make

The built executable will be located in ./build/bin/, named vis_sim.


To run the simulation and start the web server:

$ ./build/bin/vis_sim <port_number>

The port_number is of your choice and should be a legal one (typically starting from 8000).

Then run your local browser (Firefox/Chrome are guaranteed to have the best performance), and enter following address:<port_number>/web_graphics/project.html

You will be directed to the main page of the simulation visualizer and you can play with it!


All test cases are created with Google Test.

Unit Tests

# Example usage
$ cd tests
$ make
$ ../build/bin/unittest

Regression Tests

# Example usage
# The output of diff command should be silent
$ cd src
$ make regression_test
$ cd ../build/bin
$ ./regression_test > [log_file1]
$ ./regression_test > [log_file2]
$ diff [log_file1] [log_file2]

Code style

The code in this project is Google Style compliant and uses cpplint for linting.

For style check, do the following

$ ./cpplint/cpplint.py [path_target_dir] [file_name]
# Example usage
$ cd src
$ ../cpplint/cpplint.py *.cc *.h


Doxygen is used to generate documentation and UML for this project. The steps are following

  1. Navigate to the docs directory.
$ cd docs
  1. Generate the html pages and latex files for the documentation.
$ doxygen Doxyfile
  1. Open the index.html file inside the docs/html directory with a browser and you will be directed to the main page of the project document.


Zecheng Qian - qian0102@umn.edu


MIT License