
a demo built for ThatAPICompany using their famous feline image api, TheCatAPI.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Using App

  1. Clone app using your favorite code editor (like VSCode)--in the terminal, type: 'git clone https://github.com/xeonstaff/react_tinder_for_cats'
  2. Install dependencies using terminal: 'npm install'
  3. Run app. In terminal, type: 'npm run start'

Technologies Used

• Bootstrapped with Create React App.
• React-Icons used for Icons

Future Directions

For a bigger challenge or more customization, try one of the following modifications:
• replace the cat pictures with dog pictures
• add a randomizer so some proportion of swipe-rights don't result in a match
• add functionality to the 'back' button
• add a 'profile' button to add a picture/info for your own cat
• add the 'swipe' animation effect to the left/rigt button presses
• add chat functionality for the cats to the messages section, using a chatbot
• add functionality to recognize cat face and align picture with cat's face centered in the middle


This project was made by Joel Mounts (joelmounts@gmail.com) for ThatAPICompany (https://thatapicompany.com/) using their famous Cat API (https://thecatapi.com/).