
Green Team - Hackathon Aubay 2022

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hackathon Aubay 2022

Green Team - Hackathon Aubay 2022


The theme/objective of the Hackathon is to develop the "Aubilous Touch" app, a notification center for several channels (SMS, Email, WhatsApp, Teams, Signal, Telegram, etc.) of Aubay messages for employees. The application must have an interface for introducing contacts, messages by channels, data import through CSV and Aubilous reports of the success rate per message sent per channel.

Team members

  • Daniel Galvão de Azevedo
  • Eduardo Coelho da Silva Porto Gonçalves
  • José Aderbal Aragão Filho
  • Thiago Noronha Caldas


The solution defined by the team is a web restful application and a message application to send all necessary messages to the correspondent channels. Restful App

Frontend is developed on REACT Backend is developed on Java Database is SQL Server Report is Tableau Public