Pinned Repositories
Α python module to use the Termii API
THIS PROJECT WAS BUILT FROM SCRATCH, MAJOR REFERENCE WAS DJANGO'S DOCUMENTATION. This is An advanced school management system that allows the teacher to upload release via a CSV file, the website automatically calculates the average and total score of students the assign grades to also generated Id cards for students, allows the student to make payment online via paysatck, automatically generates a printable receipt, it allows the school's accountant to track payment and generate the report. other features include posting an upcoming event, and an inquiry page. e.t.c
THIS PROJECT WAS BUILT FROM SCRATCH, MAJOR REFERENCE WAS DJANGO'S DOCUMENTATION. it's a campus voting website where voters with the use of a very unique pass would be able to cast their vote to their most preferred candidate in an election created by the Electoral manager of any organization/campus that has registered on the website. The unique pass is automatically generated and sent to the voters(via email) once the electoral manager uploads the electoral manager uploads Eligible voters info. via a CSV file, the Voter's pass is also 'cryptographically' generated so as to protect the voting system against and form of brute force attack. and I also made sure that the election results are unalterable.Other features include:1. A page that automatically shows Election result to voters 2. A page that shows the result to Electoral Manager(there's a print button on this page)3.A Dashboard page that allows the electoral manager to properly manage an election, the electoral manager can set the election start date and time, election end date and time, permit visibility of result, Upload Candidate information, Update voters Information, Create election, and resending voters pin(if not delivered). NOTE: the email sending functionality may not work because I'm still using a free SMTP server(Gmail) if I'm to deploy this project on I'd prefer to use SendGrid for the email sending functionality, but for testing purpose, I made sure the voters pass are printed on the terminal.
Create an app what prints out the entire English alphabets in iterations of the total count of alphabets. * Each iteration will start from the next letter from the start while skipped letters would be placed at the end For example, if a,b,c,d,e were all the English alphabets, I expect to see : abcde bcdea cdeab deabc eabcd
Api template
A simple library to manage tournament brackets (round-robin, single elimination, double elimination).
Adeshinadev's Repositories
this is a django rest framework starter template without authentication or security
this is a python script ran by google cloud to collect subtitle from
Free Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template
Api template
Datta Able - Open-Source Django Dashboard | AppSeed
Α python module to use the Termii API
Material Dashboard - Django Template | Creative-Tim
A simple library to display tournament brackets (round-robin, single elimination, double elimination).
A simple library to manage tournament brackets (round-robin, single elimination, double elimination).
Create an app what prints out the entire English alphabets in iterations of the total count of alphabets. * Each iteration will start from the next letter from the start while skipped letters would be placed at the end For example, if a,b,c,d,e were all the English alphabets, I expect to see : abcde bcdea cdeab deabc eabcd
THIS PROJECT WAS BUILT FROM SCRATCH, MAJOR REFERENCE WAS DJANGO'S DOCUMENTATION. it's a campus voting website where voters with the use of a very unique pass would be able to cast their vote to their most preferred candidate in an election created by the Electoral manager of any organization/campus that has registered on the website. The unique pass is automatically generated and sent to the voters(via email) once the electoral manager uploads the electoral manager uploads Eligible voters info. via a CSV file, the Voter's pass is also 'cryptographically' generated so as to protect the voting system against and form of brute force attack. and I also made sure that the election results are unalterable.Other features include:1. A page that automatically shows Election result to voters 2. A page that shows the result to Electoral Manager(there's a print button on this page)3.A Dashboard page that allows the electoral manager to properly manage an election, the electoral manager can set the election start date and time, election end date and time, permit visibility of result, Upload Candidate information, Update voters Information, Create election, and resending voters pin(if not delivered). NOTE: the email sending functionality may not work because I'm still using a free SMTP server(Gmail) if I'm to deploy this project on I'd prefer to use SendGrid for the email sending functionality, but for testing purpose, I made sure the voters pass are printed on the terminal.
THIS PROJECT WAS BUILT FROM SCRATCH, MAJOR REFERENCE WAS DJANGO'S DOCUMENTATION. This is An advanced school management system that allows the teacher to upload release via a CSV file, the website automatically calculates the average and total score of students the assign grades to also generated Id cards for students, allows the student to make payment online via paysatck, automatically generates a printable receipt, it allows the school's accountant to track payment and generate the report. other features include posting an upcoming event, and an inquiry page. e.t.c