
Golang validation library

Primary LanguageGo

About Jury

Jury is a very expressive validation library for Golang

Available Validation Rules

  • ❌ Accepted
  • ❌ Accepted If
  • ❌ Active URL
  • ❌ After (Date)
  • ❌ After Or Equal (Date)
  • ❌ Alpha
  • ❌ Alpha Dash
  • ❌ Alpha Numeric
  • ❌ Array
  • ❌ Before (Date)
  • ❌ Before Or Equal (Date)
  • ❌ Between
  • ❌ Boolean
  • ❌ Confirmed
  • ❌ Current Password
  • ❌ Date
  • ❌ Date Equals
  • ❌ Date Format
  • ❌ Declined
  • ❌ Declined If
  • ❌ Different
  • ❌ Digits
  • ❌ Digits Between
  • ❌ Dimensions (Image Files)
  • ❌ Distinct
  • ❌ Doesnt Start With
  • ❌ Doesnt End With
  • ❌ Email
  • ❌ Ends With
  • ❌ Enum
  • ❌ Exclude
  • ❌ Exclude If
  • ❌ Exclude Unless
  • ❌ Exclude With
  • ❌ Exclude Without
  • ❌ Exists (Database)
  • ❌ File
  • ❌ Filled
  • ❌ Greater Than
  • ❌ Greater Than Or Equal
  • ❌ Image (File)
  • ❌ In
  • ❌ In Array
  • ❌ Integer
  • ❌ IP Address
  • ❌ JSON
  • ❌ Less Than
  • ❌ Less Than Or Equal
  • ❌ MAC Address
  • ❌ Max
  • ❌ Max Digits
  • ❌ MIME Types
  • ❌ MIME Type By File Extension
  • ❌ Min
  • ❌ Min Digits
  • ❌ Multiple Of
  • ❌ Not In
  • ❌ Not Regex
  • ❌ Nullable
  • ❌ Numeric
  • ❌ Password
  • ❌ Present
  • ❌ Prohibited
  • ❌ Prohibited If
  • ❌ Prohibited Unless
  • ❌ Prohibits
  • ❌ Regular Expression
  • ❌ Required
  • ❌ Required If
  • ❌ Required Unless
  • ❌ Required With
  • ❌ Required With All
  • ❌ Required Without
  • ❌ Required Without All
  • ❌ Required Array Keys
  • ❌ Same
  • ❌ Size
  • ❌ Sometimes
  • ❌ Starts With
  • ❌ String
  • ❌ Timezone
  • ❌ Unique (Database)
  • ❌ URL
  • ❌ UUID