##Pangaea Take-home assignment Solution

####To run

  • Clone the repo
  • Run composer install
  • Make a copy of .env from .env.copy
  • Do Run database migration
  • Start the server php artisan serve

####Solution Approach

  • Subscription

    • I created a route /subscribe/{topic} that takes valid url as the post body
    • Valid the request body to contain valid url
    • Save the topic and the url in local database (sqlite)
    • Return success response to user
     "url": "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/2"
    **Response BODY**
       "url": "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/2",
       "topic": "helloworld"
  • Publishing

    • I created a route /publish/{topic} that takes any key value post body
    • Fetch all subscriber from database by topic
    • Publish new topic event
    • In the even listener, post the topic and data to the subscriber's url
     "username": "Adex9ja",
     "Title": "How to become a pro.",
     "Body": "Something nice here too."