


  • GNU/Linux
  • terraform
  • docker
  • kubernetes

Get the Code

cd GCP-DevOps

Get to the Infratrcuture Directory

cd Terraform-infastructure
terraform init
terraform plan 
terraform apply

Get to the Jenkins directory

cd ../jenkins

Start by applying the yaml files

  • Create namespace to isolate the components.
  • Create role to enable the jenkins pod to create, list, delete services and deployments.
  • Create service account to be attached in the deployment.
  • Create role bind to bind the role with service account.
  • Create service loadbalancer to create loadbalacer with external ip to access the application.
  • Create deployment that contains:

    • Container with jenkins image with container port 8080.
    • Execute commands to install docker cli and kubectl after pod started using lifecycle.
    • Mount volume to use the Docker of the node.
    • Attach the service account to make pod create deployments and services in the same cluster
    • Create the pod with root privilege.