* Create a program that implements a playlist for songs Create a Song class
* having Title and Duration for a song.
* The program will have an Album class containing a list of songs.
* The albums will be stored in an ArrayList Songs from different albums
* can be added to the playlist and will appear in the list in the order they are added.
* Once the songs have been added to the playlist, create a menu of options to:
* - Quit
* - Skip forward to the next song
* - Skip backwards to a previous song.
* - Replay the current song.
* - List the songs in the playlist
* A song must exist in an album before it can be added to the playlist
* (so you can only play songs that you own).
* Hint:
* To replay a song, consider what happened when we went back and forth from a city before
* we started tracking the direction we were going.
* As an optional extra provide an option to remove the current song from the playlist
* (hint: listiterator.remove()