
The classical game of Chinese Checkers created on SFML (C++ graphics)

Primary LanguageC++

Chinese Checkers Game

A simple Chinese Checkers game developed on C++ -> SFML Graphics Library.



  • src - main source code
    • Game - main application
    • Helpers - helper functions & constants
    • Checkers - game logic + drawing board
    • Slot - struct for individual circles on the board
    • Pch - pre-compiled header
  • include - SFML + TGUI headers (TGUI still not used).
  • lib - SFML + TGUI + required std libs for windows.
  • res - misc files, images, fonts.


  • Developed with MSVC (VS2019)
  • Open SLN file in Visual Studio and run
  • Updates coming soon for GCC and other compilers...


  1. Run Game.exe (or whatever extension)
  2. "Lower half" of board plays first - click on any occuppied slot to select piece
  3. Click on vacant slot to move piece (multiple steps possible when you jump by 2)
  4. Turn system
    a. If SINGLE MOVE or NO LEGAL MOVES -> turn switches automatically
    b. Else -> press ENTER KEY when done with turn
  5. Repeat... (end of game not checked yet...)
  6. When a player has won, gameplay will stop -> end board will be displayed until window closed.


  • - LAN Multiplayer option
  • - GUI features (buttons, timers, etc)