A simple Chinese Checkers game developed on C++ -> SFML Graphics Library.
- src - main source code
- Game - main application
- Helpers - helper functions & constants
- Checkers - game logic + drawing board
- Slot - struct for individual circles on the board
- Pch - pre-compiled header
- include - SFML + TGUI headers (TGUI still not used).
- lib - SFML + TGUI + required std libs for windows.
- res - misc files, images, fonts.
- Developed with MSVC (VS2019)
- Open SLN file in Visual Studio and run
- Updates coming soon for GCC and other compilers...
- Run Game.exe (or whatever extension)
- "Lower half" of board plays first - click on any occuppied slot to select piece
- Click on vacant slot to move piece (multiple steps possible when you jump by 2)
- Turn system
a. If SINGLE MOVE or NO LEGAL MOVES -> turn switches automatically
b. Else -> press ENTER KEY when done with turn - Repeat... (end of game not checked yet...)
- When a player has won, gameplay will stop -> end board will be displayed until window closed.
- - LAN Multiplayer option
- - GUI features (buttons, timers, etc)