
These are Some Sponsors which have appeared in ETHMubai

Primary LanguageTypeScript

The Sponsors :

  • Graph
  • ScaffoldEth
  • AnonAdhar
  • CoreDao
  • Vara.network
  • Lumio
  • PurpleDao

The Graph :

Graph are like google for blockchains They store the data in well defined manner such as databases in web2 They Have indexers so that they retrive this data very quickly than other frameworks If we want same solution like graph in centralized system then we can think of Datasx

Graphs stroage works on events in solidity when ever an event in smart contract triggers particular subgraph associated with it becomes active and stores data inside that subgraph and Events in Solidity Smart Contract Triggeres Graph Storage

SubGrpah Creation Process:

  • npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
  • graph init --studio subgraphName
  • choose chain
  • Give contract address
  • Give abi
  • Give start block from block explorer
  • You are good to go
  • graph auth --studio GraphStudiokey
  • graph codegen
  • graph build
  • graph deploy --studio YoursubgrphName
  • Ypu are good to Go

ScaffoldEth :

Scaffold-ETH is an open-source, up-to-date toolkit for building decentralized applications (dapps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It's designed to make it easier for developers to create and deploy smart contracts and build user interfaces that interact with those contracts.

✅ Contract Hot Reload: Your frontend auto-adapts to your smart contract as you edit it. 🔥 Burner Wallet & Local Faucet: Quickly test your application with a burner wallet and local faucet. 🔐 Integration with Wallet Providers: Connect to different wallet providers and interact with the Ethereum network. Scaffold-ETH 2