
An example Maven project that consumes a package

Primary LanguageJava

Adding package dependency

Added the following elements to pom.xml:



Note, we can use https://maven.pkg.github.com/jcansdale-test/* as the repository URL. The repository name is only significant when publishing packages.

Create a settings.xml file for this repository:

I'm including an XML encoded token because I don't want it be automatically deleted by GitHub when it appears on a public repository. The token is a PAT with the read:packages scope from an account that doesn't own any private packages and is therefore safe to share.

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
      <!-- Public token with `read:packages` scope -->

If you have Docker installed, you can XML encode a read:packages scoped token like this:

docker run jcansdale/gpr encode TOKEN

Add .mvn/maven.config to use local settings file by default:

-s settings.xml

Building the project

mvn package

Clear cached packages

mvn dependency:purge-local-repository