
A CircuitPython library for usage of the ADS1248

Primary LanguagePython


A CircuitPython library for usage of the ADS1248.


  • Core CircuitPython modules.


Example code can be found here.

Place ADS1248.py on your CircuitPython board next to your main script.

Import the ADS1248 library like so:

from ADS1248 import ADS1248

Create a four wire spi bus for the ADS1248(s) to use (hardware SPI pins are not required):

spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO)

Configure the ADS1248 spi bus with ADS1248.setup():

ADS1248.setup(spi, board.D33, board.D35, freq=2000000)

Now you will create your individual ADC objects, each object will represent a seperate ADC. If you only have 1 ADC you still must create an ADC object:

adc = ADS1248(board.D31, board.D37, vref=2.048)

To communicate with a single ADC object, simply apply methods to the object:

adc.wreg(2,[0x30,0x00]) # Write register 2 with 0x30 (configure vref) and register 3 with 0x00 (conversion rate)
print(adc.rreg(0,16)) # Read all registers

To communicate with all ADC objects, use the "All" methods and apply them to the ADS1248 class:


Refer to the wiki for a detailed list of all available methods.