AWS S3 and Rekognition Image Object Detection with Streamlit Frontend

This Python application utilizes AWS S3 for storing images and AWS Rekognition for object detection in those images. It provides a Streamlit frontend for easy interaction.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd your_repository
  3. Install the required dependencies using pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Before running the application, ensure you have configured your AWS credentials properly. You can do this by either setting environment variables or using AWS CLI.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='your_access_key_id'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='your_secret_access_key'
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='your_aws_region'

Alternatively, you can configure AWS CLI by running:

aws configure


To run the application, execute the following command:

streamlit run

This will start the Streamlit application, which you can access through your web browser.


  • Upload images to AWS S3 bucket.
  • Detect objects in uploaded images using AWS Rekognition.
  • Display detected objects along with confidence scores.

File Structure

├──                  # Streamlit application script
├── requirements.txt        # List of Python dependencies
└──               # Project README file


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for improvements.