
Identify the emotion (neutral, anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happy, sadness, surprise) in a given static image

Primary LanguagePython


Identify the emotion (neutral, anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happy, sadness, surprise) in a given static image. This is an example of a Supervised Machine Learning problem.


Getting Started

Run read_database.py

python read_database.py

This will create a file emos.csv that can be opened and edited in Excel. This file has all features (AU Codes) and labels (Emotions).

Next run classifier_test.py

python classifier_test.py

See the ouput and compare accuracy, recall, precision, F-measure of different classifiers. Additionally, Confusion Matrix can be printed

from pandas_ml import ConfusionMatrix as cm
print cm(y_true,y_predicted)