Python Programming

Introduction and Python Basics

Lesson 1 (2 hours):

  • Introduction to Python (1 hour)
  • Setting up the Python environment (1 hour)

Lesson 2 (2 hours):

  • Python syntax and indentation (1 hour)
  • Basic data types: int, float, string, and bool (1 hour)

Lesson 3 (2 hours):

  • Variables and naming conventions (1 hour)
  • Basic operations: arithmetic, comparison, and logical (1 hour)

Lesson 4 (2 hours):

  • Lists: definition, creating, indexing, slicing, and methods (1 hour)
  • Tuples: definition, creating, indexing, slicing, and immutability (1 hour)

Lesson 5 (2 hours):

  • Sets: definition, creating, set operations, and methods (1 hour)
  • Dictionaries: definition, creating, keys, values, and methods (1 hour)

Lesson 6 (2 hours):

  • Practice exercises and mini-projects related to Week 1 topics (2 hours)

Control Structures and Functions

Lesson 7 (2 hours):

  • Conditional statements: if, elif, and else (1 hour)
  • Loop structures: for and while loops (1 hour)

Lesson 8 (2 hours):

  • List comprehensions (1 hour)
  • The range() function and loop control keywords: break, continue, and pass (1 hour)

Lesson 9 (2 hours):

  • Defining and calling functions (1 hour)
  • Function parameters and arguments (1 hour)

Lesson 10 (2 hours):

  • Return values (1 hour)
  • Importing modules and using built-in Python libraries (e.g., math, datetime) (1 hour)

Lesson 11 (2 hours):

  • Practice exercises and mini-projects related to Week 2 topics (2 hours)

File Handling and Error Handling

Lesson 12 (2 hours):

  • Introduction to file handling in Python (1 hour)
  • Opening and closing files: read, write, and append modes (1 hour)

Lesson 13 (2 hours):

  • Reading and writing data to files (1 hour)
  • Working with CSV and JSON files (1 hour)

Lesson 14 (2 hours):

  • Understanding Python errors and exceptions (1 hour)
  • Handling exceptions with try, except, finally, and raise (1 hour)

Lesson 15 (2 hours):

  • Debugging Python code using breakpoints and print statements (1 hour)
  • Best practices for error handling and debugging (1 hour)

Lesson 16 (2 hours):

  • Practice exercises and mini-projects related to Week 3 topics (2 hours)

Object-Oriented Programming

Lesson 17 (2 hours):

  • Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) (1 hour)
  • Classes and objects in Python (1 hour)

Lesson 18 (2 hours):

  • Inheritance and polymorphism (1 hour)
  • Encapsulation and abstraction (1 hour)

Lesson 19 (2 hours):

  • Magic methods and operator overloading (1 hour)
  • Property decorators and static methods (1 hour)

Lesson 20 (2 hours):

  • Practice exercises and mini-projects related to Week 4 topics (2 hours)

Introduction to Web Development

Lesson 21 (2 hours):

  • Overview of web development with Python (1 hour)
  • Introduction to web frameworks: Flask (1 hour)

Lesson 22 (2 hours):

  • Setting up Flask (1 hour)
  • Creating a simple Flask web application (1 hour)

Lesson 23 (2 hours):

  • Routing and templates in Flask (1 hour)
  • Introduction to HTML and CSS (1 hour)

Lesson 24 (2 hours):

  • Handling form data in Flask (1 hour)
  • Introduction to Jinja2 for dynamic templates (1 hour)

Lesson 25 (2 hours):

  • Practice exercises and mini-projects related to Week 5 topics (2 hours)

Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization

Lesson 26 (2 hours):

  • Overview of data analysis with Python (1 hour)
  • Introduction to NumPy and Pandas (1 hour)

Lesson 27 (2 hours):

  • Basic NumPy operations: creating arrays, indexing, and slicing (1 hour)
  • Basic Pandas operations: creating and manipulating DataFrames (1 hour)

Lesson 28 (2 hours):

  • Data cleaning with Pandas (1 hour)
  • Grouping and aggregation with Pandas (1 hour)

Lesson 29 (2 hours):

  • Introduction to data visualization with Matplotlib (1 hour)
  • Creating basic plots with Matplotlib (1 hour)

Lesson 30 (2 hours):

  • Practice exercises and mini-projects related to Week 6 topics (2 hours)