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Problem Statement:

With the rise of technology and development, we humans sometimes forget to pay attention to ourselves. As a consequence, we occasionally forget things or don't have time to accomplish basic things like reading the news or managing our monthly budget, both of which are integral parts of our lifestyle. Concepts such as virtual assistant play a significant role in addressing this issue.

Solution For Above Problem:

Mobile Application Development is the most evolving technology. Since India accounts for 84% of the Android market, the above mentioned issue can be addressed through Android development. Android developers can better grasp the Indian market as the Android OS is used by the majority of consumers in India.This project was created with the goal of reducing the problems that people experience on a regular basis with the support of Android Development. In this project, an Android app has been designed with the features of managing the user's expenses, showing him daily news from several categories, and an additional feature of object detection that assists the user in identifying objects (mainly animals), making the app experience even better.

Concepts Used:

  1. UI: The app has a user-friendly UI that includes a bottom bar, several navigation libraries, and a material component. A news API and  a scrollable recyclerview for expense management.
  2. Layout: This application makes use of multiple layouts, including Constraint Layout, Linear Layout, Relative Layout, and Coordinator Layout.
  3. Room Library (for SqLite): Room Lib is used for SqLite Db to store user-added expenditures.
  4. MVVM Model: Model View ViewModel has been implemented in this application for the expense management feature in order to retrieve expenses in recyclerview using LiveData.
  5. Other components used: RecyclerView, Material Component, Buttons, CardView, Volly Library for news API, MVVM (ViewModel, Repository, Dao(Data Access Object)), Calendar View, Fragments.
  6. Additional Features: Using a pre-trained tensorflow Lite model, an additional feature of object detection is implemented. In this Camera and device internal storage is accessed.