
Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Book Information Page List Books, Each book will have (id, book name, author name, number of pages,issued/available) List Books table will show id, name, author name, page count, status, operations [edit,delete] Above List you will have a form to Create/ Update Book. Create form will have Add Book Button & update Book form will have Update Book button.Update Book will show status drop-down/ radio button, this controle will not be visible inCreate Book. Add Book : will create new entry of the book in the table Update Book: Will update the details of the book if any changed In table operation column if you click on edit, then that book information should be shownin update book form automatically. In table operation column if you click on delete, then book should get deteted from thetable. When you load page first time it should have atleast 3 books in the list.