Quantium starter repo

This repo contains everything you need to get started on the program! Good luck!

Task 1: Set Up Your Local Development Environment

Here is your task

  1. To begin, get your hands on the starter repo - fork and clone it to your machine: https://github.com/vagabond-systems/quantium-starter-repo. If this step is confusing, read the first two chapters of the Git book linked below.

  2. Open the project in your IDE of choice — feel free to use any Python IDE you’re comfortable with. If you don’t have a favourite Python IDE yet, look at Pycharm Community Edition. It’s a well-designed IDE by Jetbrains packed with features and plugins, powerful enough to work on the most complex projects, and entirely free.

  3. One of the best ways to manage dependencies in Python is with virtual environments. Each virtual environment contains a Python interpreter and a collection of project dependencies. They are entirely encapsulated in a single folder, and easy to work with once you get the hang of them. For this project, you will set up a Python 3.9 virtual environment. Review the resources linked below for more information.

  4. Next, add the dash and pandas packages as dependencies to your virtual environment. Instructions for this step can be found in the Resources section below.

  5. With your virtual environment active, run pip install "dash[testing]" (without backticks) to install all the necessary dash testing dependencies.

Congratulations! You’ve completed the bulk of the work for this task and now have access to a fully-featured workbench. All that’s left is to submit your work. Commit your changes and push them to GitHub!

You’re done! Submit a link to your repo on the next step. Estimated time for task completion: 30-60 minutes depending on your learning style.

Task 1 - Resources

Task 1: Status ✅

This is main branch with Task 1, for remaining tasks checkout branches with name Task