
Local build and run instructions

  1. Install NVM on your system.

  2. During installation, avoid a path where the name involves a space to avoid any problems while running nvm in terminal.

  3. Open Git Bash terminal in admin mode and list the installed node versions using nvm list

  4. Version currently active has a * before its name.

  5. You need node 14.15.1 to build and run this project.

  6. If the list doesn't have this version you need to install it using nvm. To install the version, enter the following command:

    • nvm install 14.15.1
  7. List the versions once again to make sure that the installation was successful then, restart the terminal.

  8. Go to the sae-nitkkr directory in FullStackWebsiteDevelopment and switch to the version:

    • nvm use 14.15.1
  9. Run npm install to install all packages required for running the project.

  10. Finally, run npm start.

Hooray!! Your project will take some time to build and run on localhost:3000. Make sure no other app is using that port.