The app is mainly divided into three main components which work together:

● The Presentation tier(Frontend): This is part of the system which the end user can interact with. In Shopwiser, the front end is written in Flutter and Dart and has multiple pages as per the requirements. The front end communicates with the backend with the help of REST APIs.

● The Application Tier(Backend): The backend is part of the system that runs behind the scenes and is responsible for processing requests from the front end. For Shopwiser, a Flask web server acts as the backend of the project. This part also incorporates the ML model which we have used in the app.

● The Data Tier(Database): This is where the information is stored and managed. For Shopwiser, we used Firebase Realtime Database which is a NoSQL database to store our data.

● The app's tech stack includes Dart and Flutter, which provides a robust platform for building high-quality, cross-platform apps. Flutter's widget library enables fast and responsive app development, while Dart's strong typing and object-oriented features make code easy to maintain and scale.