- Please list down important tutorial links / slides / other reading material along with [TOPIC] below in the resources section
An attempt to revisit competitive / interview coding and become a coding ninja this time.
Generic Resources (If you find any interesting link / tutorial/ textbook / youtube playlist etc you put it here)
- http://courses.csail.mit.edu/iap/interview/materials.php
- https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/2lzc4h/big_collection_of_interview_preparation_links/
- Leetcode OJ
- InterviewBit
- HackerRank
- Codeforces
- Heap Sort / Heaps / Heapify / Priority Queue
- Quick Sort / Various partitioning Schemes / Randomized Quick Sort
- Counting Sort / Radix Sort / Bucket Sort
- Bucketing stuff on Interview Bit - Arrays section
- [InProgress] Segment Tree (with and without Lazy Propogation) - AdityaAS
- [InProgress] Fenwick Tree Concept
- Without Lazy Propagation - Implementation
- With Lazy Propagation -
- Link 1
- Naive Pattern Maching
- Knuth Morris Pratt (KMP) Algorithm -- Implementation Concept
- Rabin-Karp (RKP) Algorithm Concept
- Naive Pattern Matching Improvised
- Finite Automata
- Efficient Construction of Finite Automata
- Boyer Moore Algorithm
- Suffix Tree Algorithm
- Link 1