Software Development Engineer (Full Stack Web Developer --> specialized in Spring Boot Backend & React/Angular Frontend, DevOps Engineer)
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Comparison of different types of MANET Routing Protocols using NS3 Simulator.
This is a shopping website designed using Angular.js to manage your food items with their recipes and store it in the Firebase database.
In this project, I have worked on sending mails via e-mail to other accounts using Spring Boot Mail API.
In this project, I have worked on a Shopping Mobile App where products are stored in realtime firebase database with firebase authentication using all core fundamentals of React Native Mobile App Development.
This is a shopping website designed using Node.js in which you can manage your items which are saved in the MongoDB and add or delete it in your cart for shopping.
In this project, I have worked on Spring Boot microservices along with MongoDB Atlas as backend and Angular.js as frontend to design a Stock Market Charting Application.
In this project, I have worked on a Database Management System for Students where they can manage their courses, reviews and passport details using Spring Boot Web Platform.
The main aim of this project is to calculate and monitor the surrounding temperature and change the speed of the fan as temperature changes i.e. the speed should increase with a rise in temperature and should decrease with a drop in temperature.
In this app, I have created a webapp where the customers can choose the way they want their burger to be made and will be billed accordingly using React.js in Visual Studio.
Assistive Technology To Empower People With Disabilities (mainly for the deaf and dumb). Technologies used - Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Firebase, Android Studio
AdityaKshettri's Repositories
In this project, I have worked on Basic CRUD operations in Spring Boot using H2 database and performed JUnit Testing on each of them.
In this project, I have worked on Full Stack Development using MERN, ie React.js as Frontend and Node.js + Express.js as backend along with MongoDB database, where users can keep a record of important locations as well as share it with other users.
In this project, I have worked on a Shopping Mobile App where products are stored in realtime firebase database with firebase authentication using all core fundamentals of React Native Mobile App Development.
This is a shopping website designed using Node.js in which you can manage your items which are saved in the MongoDB and add or delete it in your cart for shopping.
In this project, I have worked with all Native Device Features like Camera, Location, etc. to create a Location App where the user can save images with location in his app using Google Maps in the React Native Environment using Expo.
In this project, we have created a Customer Management Website for CRUD operations using Spring REST APIs in Netbeans 11.3 using MySQL database and POSTMAN service.
In this project, I have worked on frontend development creating a Client Database Management Website using Angular.js and Firebase.
In this project, I have worked on a mobile app using React Native where the user enters a number and the app tries to guess it based on user directions.
This is a shopping website designed using Angular.js to manage your food items with their recipes and store it in the Firebase database.
In this project, I have worked on a Shopping Website using MySQL Database in Node.js
In this project, I have worked on Full Stack Web Development using Node.js as Backend server and Angular.js as Frontend platform to perform CRUD Operations on Blog using MongoDB.
In this app, I have created a webapp where the customers can choose the way they want their burger to be made and will be billed accordingly using React.js in Visual Studio.
In this project, I have worked with the basics of React Native, building a general app that implements those basic functions using expo-cli and Visual Studio Code.
In this project, I have worked on React-Native to design and develop a mobile app that would manage various meals and its details using Expo-cli in Visual Studio code.
This is a Shopping Website designed using Spring Boot and MySQL in the backend and Angular.js as the frontend using Netbeans 11.3 and Visual Studio Code 8 respectively.
In this project, I have worked on the Burger Builder Project to design your own burger using React Hooks instead of Class Based Components in React.js
In this project, I have worked on Maven Spring Web Application where I have provided Authentication and Authorization security to the web app using Netbeans 11.3
In this project, I have worked on Maven Spring Web Application where I have provided Authentication and Authorization security to the web app using MySQL 8.0 in Netbeans 11.3
In this project, I have created a React Web application from scratch using Webpack and other npm dependencies both in the development and production mode.
In this project, I have worked on Backend Development to secure REST APIs using JWT Authentication in Spring Boot in JAVA.
In this project, I have worked on FrontEnd Development using Angularjs to implement all CRUD features on a Tailor-Shops Collection with full authentication and authorization using Firestore.
In this project, I have worked on React.js to send various HTTP Request like POST and GET to JsonPlaceholder using Visual Studio.
In this project, I have worked on the basics of Redux in React.js using Visual Studio Code.
In this project, I have worked on frontend development using Angular.js where I have implemented various CRUD features on JSONPlaceholder platform.
In this project, I have worked on basic animations that can be used in our projects in the React.js environment.
In this project, I have worked on the basics of Next.js with the Reacts.js environment using Visual Studio Code.
In this project, I have working on all the Class-based and Functional LifeCycle functions in the React.js Components using Visual Studio.
In this project, we have worked on JAVA Maven Spring REST to handle REST API requests along with Exception Handling on invalid requests in Netbeans 11.3