Welcome to Face_Recognition_App, This app is a very close replica of the program used in Guvi Guiness Book of World Records.

Note:- This App needs atleast 1GB free space for Proper working. As it stores large amount of Data to function.


Step-1 : When you will launch this program. It will Ask you to enter number of different scenes you want to capture. For Example :- If you want to detect that is the person in front of camera weares mask Or not then you enter 3, then in first Run it will capture your background and in next run it will capture you without mask and In third run, it will capture you with mask.

Note:- Make sure you were not in front of camera while program captures background. While capturing your face without mask, you should not wear mask. And while capturing with mask you should wear mask. By the way, you can also it for more Purpose like rock, paper, scissors, etc by entering 4. So, it will record first background then, rock , paper and scissors.(Make sure only your hand is visible while capturing rock, paper And scissors)

Step-2 : Now, as you will enter your desired number of Scenes. It will immediately start capturing Background. After capturing background camera Will pause and program will ask you to press Enter for next scene. And so on until all Scenes captured. Once everything captured. It Will start training(Memory Error could be Occured dur to unavailability to RAM in your device.)

Step-3 : Once training will completed, only you have to do is press enter. And it will immediately start camera and start predicting the current scene using the data he got while training. For Example :- For first Scene(Background) It will print 0, for second scene(without mask) it will print 1, and so on. To stop the program press 'q' on keyboard.

I want you to try this program and suggest me if I can do some changes in it. If you want to report some changes Just create a issue for this repository.