Flutter plug-in providing (a few) basic bindings to OpenCV-4.x. OpenCV methods implemented without the Core packages. WIP.
- 1
Consider using null safety
#27 opened by RedstoneMedia - 1
- 4
Questions about HoughCircle API
#23 opened by cosmobiosis - 1
- 1
Extract frames from a video
#20 opened by piyushchauhan - 3
Add Contours functionality
#9 opened by utkarsh-21st - 0
build for IOS
#26 opened by ranulfo - 0
Windows Desktop Support
#25 opened by atj393 - 1
- 1
Edge detection and crop
#24 opened by rodrigocorrea - 7
[BUG] I/System.out(11892): OpenCV Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
#18 opened by marcoramosw - 4
OpenCV's HoughCircles API.
#1 opened by likexin92 - 0
Linux support
#22 opened by 12people - 0
[BUG] Function calls block main UI thread
#19 opened by kreativityapps - 1
- 1
- 6
Add support of Hough Lines
#5 opened by J-x-D - 0
Hi. Could you add cv2.inRange func please? Thanks a lot!! By the way flutter_opencv package is excellent!!!
#15 opened by ibdagdelen - 1
Please add the Findcontour feature
#14 opened by Trojan9 - 0
Image Stitching
#13 opened by ricardochen - 0
crop,rotate,normalize functionality
#12 opened by sumit03111988 - 1
Why not use dart:ffi?
#6 opened by MohiuddinM - 0
Add convertScaleAbs
#11 opened by mmarathe43