
C#, Selenium, NUnit

Primary LanguageC#

Navtor Assignment

C# - Selenium Interaction with Web Elements

Purpose - Navigate to "https://primeng.org/" then select a city from a dropdown


  1. Visual Studio
  2. Selenium
  3. NUnit
  4. Page Objects

Getting Started

  1. Create a local project folder
  2. Open command prompt {cmd/git-bash/powershell}
  3. git lfs install
  4. git clone "https://github.com/AdityaNow/NavtorAssignment.git"
  5. Open the repo inside Visual Studio
  6. Install/Update the following NuGet packages to the solution - DotNetSeleniumExtras, Selenium.WebDriver, Selenium.Support, Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver, Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json, SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers, WebDriverManager

Execution Demo

Steps - Build the Solution and run tests from test explorer
